A Full Service Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance Contractor especially for Retail Shopping Centers.

  • An eagle eye on your property for you out of town owners.
  • Curb appeal to attract and retain tenants.
  • Snow service that keeps your tenants in business.

firefoxRetail Expertise: Anyone in retail will tell you: choose your landscape contractor with great care. The aesthetic value of a retail property has enormous impact on its business and a well chosen landscaper goes a long way in maintaining satisfied, long term tenants. Well planned commercial landscaping is critical to retail businesses, but also presents unique challenges to a landscape contractor. Blade Runners is a landscape contractor who understands retail and the importance of keeping a watchful eye. Pedestrian routes, for example, need to be assessed periodically by grounds maintenance experts to address potential soil compaction. If necessary, new walkways or barriers are introduced to divert foot traffic away from mature trees and shrubs whose eventual decline might only appear long after the damage is done.

firefoxYear round care of your landscape and your budget: Perhaps you have already had a landscape contractor provide you with an attractive environment that flows perfectly from outside to inside. However, grounds maintenance is just as important as your design. If you’ve been disappointed by your grounds maintenance crew, it's time to move on. For shopping centers, stores, restaurants, and other retail establishments, 12 month grounds maintenance program is critical and as Northern Virginia’s premier retail landscape contractor, Blade Runners understands this. We also know that you need to adhere to a budget while still receiving expert, proactive care 365 days a year.

To learn more about Blade Runners grounds maintenance and commercial landscaping services, watch our video, Blade Runners Approach.

What Our Customers Say...

Courteous and responsive...

These last few years with the varying snow levels proved one thing to us. You all are setting the standard for snow plowing at all of our properties. It’s done right, it’s done timely, and at the best cost of all our contractors! Sometimes we have snow plowers that start plowing early, over treat, and in general run up the expenses – upon comparative analysis we always see Blade Runners as the most cost effective quality snow plow company. When you send the snow and weather alerts I actually use your guidelines to manage our other contractors.

Not to forget the communications! The email service announcements provide me with .almost real-time info on what is happening on the property and how much attention is being devoted to each, especially by the supervisors. Work on site is done to a ‘t’ just as we outlined and wanted throughout the landscaping year. Extra work is done promptly and the sites look great.

Thanks again - and we do hope to work with you and Blade Runners more in the future!

Carol L. Holder, CPM
Vice President, Office and Retail Management
A. J. Dwoskin and Associates, Inc.

Retail Center Landscaping