Tools that set Blade Runners Apart From The Competition.

Blade Runners innovative tools:

  • The little things make Blade Runners better
  • Completion Receipts for all the work we do
  • Famous snow storm action alerts

Blade Runners has a number of innovative tools that separate us from the competition.

Trees: We have a staff arborist and an active tree department. We can remove trees, stumps and perform corrective pruning. We can provide a tree survey that includes a map along with the trees size and variety and its maintenance recommendation. Completion receipts: Many customers are concerned about what a landscape contractor is doing on the site. After each lawn care service we send out an email completion receipt to our customers. It explains the specific grounds maintenance contract service we are providing and can be compared with the monthly billing. Clients have often commented that it is an effective tool and provides a level of assurance that we are actually completing the lawn maintenance work in the agreement.

Snow Report: Blade Runners has an exciting and unique service with our snow removal. We will send out a snow report; before, during and after a snow event. The report tells you what we are doing. Will it be plowing or sand and calcium chloride applications, are walkways being completed? Every snow event is different, property managers love being able to accurately communicate with there tenants and residents exactly what the landscape contractor is doing.

Newsletters: Thru the distribution of ezines, newsletters, blog entries, Blade Runners provides a wealth of information to our clients that helps you do your job. Do you have a chemically sensitive tenant? Blade Runners has a great resource for the lawn care products we use. Is someone questioning our snow plow methods? We have a wonderful newsletter that talks about snow removal procedures and equipment. What are the different landscape pruning techniques? What are the different surfaces for tot lots? Is salt damaging your concrete? See our videos that show you what to watch out for and how other contractors commonly cut corners.

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