Eco Friendly Lawn Care Products

Blade Runners improves and maintains your landscape in a manner that’s healthy for the planet as well as your property. From actosol root development to deer repellant and mosquito control, we give you confidence about safety – for people, pets and the environment.

We invite you to read about two of our products, milky spore for pest control and mauget for fertilization. Also see our pesticide safety handbook for more information about our environmentally conscious approach.


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What Our Customers Say...

Courteous and responsive...

The staff at Blade Runners has outstanding knowledge of the landscape business -- your lawn, your shrubs, your trees, and much, much more. Plus, customer service and satisfaction are always a top priority with them. Blade Runners, you're the best!”

Kelly Hardy
Landscape Committee Chair
Williamsburg Pond Home Owners Association

Customer service and satisfaction...

“This winter’s snow proved to be a great burden not only on homeowners but on the contractors servicing those homeowners. Blade Runners did an outstanding job of providing snow removal and sanding to the communities they served. They were responsive to some unrealistic homeowner requests and performed better than most other contractors I work with.”

Carl Wallen
Armstrong Management